Scottish Potters Association - Annual Weekend
Demo of how to make the "viewpoint" vase
New Tools
We talked, danced and potted
Some months ago I got an email from Camilla – the chairwoman of the SPA with the question if I would be interested to do a talk for their annual event.
What an honour I thought to be even asked (previous speakers including Linda Bloomfield, Matthews Blakley, etc) And so I said yes.
It started with a lovely lady called Claire picking me up from the train station in Edinburgh/Waverley. A glorious sunny day and we had just enough time to have a coffee in a coffee shop on the second floor of a tartan shop. With the view over the castle and the national gallery.
After a drive, we arrived at the venue – the sottish police college in Tahullian. Large grounds and a very tidy facility that offered anything need for the weekend. A bar, lecturing theatre, canteen, rooms to stay in and rooms to do the demonstrations in.
My co- demonstrators were the sculptress Annie Peaker and the hand building potter Roger Lewis. Both unknown to me, but experts in their field.
Friday evening each of us gave a talk about the work, inspirations and ourselves. I was last and felt a touch nervous after hearing, what the other two had prepared. But I think I gave an overview of my work & life. And what the visitor could potentially expect from my two days of demonstrating. After a good night sleep and a porridge breakfast, I was ready to show what I do. I started with my flask-shape – throwing two variations of this vessel. Wide and tall. Then followed by some thrown ceramic eggs. Three friends vases and a bowl.
I must admit that I am much quicker when I am alone focused in my studio – just the radio and me. But the pots all worked out and. I assembled one flask that day. The rooms were warm and the porcelain dried fast. In fact, too fast but I just managed to attach the pieces together in the hope that there won’t be any cracking later on.
One of the evenings we had a Ceilidh (kay-lee) (coordinated dancing) with live music and it was great fun to join in.
There were also two very friendly ceramic suppliers, that had an easy sale with me. I found some great new tools.
It went so fast and I had a great time - I only can recommend the Scottish potters. A very lovely bunch of highly enthusiastic potters.
Thank you for inviting me!